
Flight (noun)
: an act or instance of running away

The Basics

NAME : Flightscream
AGE : 22
PRONOUNS: he/they/she/it/neos whatever
GENDER : whatever
ZODIAC SIGN : scorpio

TWITTER: Flightscream
DEVAINTART: Flightscream
TIK TOK: meowmeowmegatron
TUMBLR: Godsleastfavouritewhiteboy


.DNI.- Dream team fan/stan. Wilbur/lovejoy fans- Anti ACAB/pro cop. Fuck cops dude.- Gatekeeper/Exclusionist- TERF, SWERF, Whatever you guys call yourselves, fuck offIf I dont like you, Ill just block you.

.ABOUT.- I am currently a full time student studying to a few different degrees, I am a busy guy so I am not likely to be online very consistently.- I dont respond to unprompted DMS trying to start a conversation most of the time from people I dont know.- I am an anarchist commentator, so sometimes I post my thoughts on political issues and will get into discussions about issues I see as important.- I am more than willing to engage in conversation and make friends with mutuals. If I send you my art or message you things I think you'll like its because I consider us friendly and would like to be friends.- I dont make friends with people under 17 but I dont mind being friendly